Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 1- My Crime Theory

Every thing we do in our lives reflects on the people that we are. As in criminology, we can study the way people act and what kinds of things they are subjected to in their lives to find out other things about them. I believe that the number one thing that would lead someone to become a criminal would be the way that they interact with others in their early years, such as with family and friends. The way someone is nurtured could drastically affect their outlook on life, and lead them to do things that they may not have done if they had been taught or shown differently. Also, these traits may be inherited by parents or other family members- either biologically or because they are following in the footsteps of someone they admire or are close to. Crime could easily come from an anomie too, because if your normal is different than everyone around you, it would be exceptionally tough to interact easily with others.


  • I chose a story about a teen who commited murder on his abusive father. The boy was scared for his life and the life of his mother. He had a mild form of autism and said he felt he had no other choice but to kill his father. To me, this boy would not have ever commited a crime if he was raised with a father that was not abusive to him as a young child. Although on the other hand, because he had autism, there was even more of a chance that he would have commited this because of the difficulty this condition has on the patience level of people afflicted by it. So both nature and nurture played a part in the phycological make up of this person, and affected him enought to commit this crime.

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